Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Product Create: Create A Fantastic Information Product!

Joe Vitale has published several books like this quite successfully. Ask several key figures in your industry to write an article or small report on a subject and put the contributions together into an e-book. Lastly, if you don't want to write the information product yourself, you can outsource the project. There are many skilled ghostwriters and software developers who can create exactly the product you need. Marketing and making money. This is the next area in information product creation and development. How to distribute the product, how to promote the product, and at what price to charge, are just some of the many decisions that need to be made. Often times an expert interview can be used to create a fantastic information product. Record the interview, have it transcribed and hire a writer to edit and smooth out the rough patches and you have an information product ready to go. Let others write the product for you, this is the approach that Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hanson used to great success.